Selasa, 30 November 2010

Learning Guide to Make Money in

Okay, so you are a novice in the world of Forex. Perhaps you know of friends work together, or from books you buy at the bookstore, or through advertisements on the Internet. Forex trading really is becoming known among the broader society since the advent of online trading way.
 reading or find out a bit about forex, you probably know how much potential profit in forex market trading. Hmm ... quite large in your mind. Large enough to fulfill all your dreams and it's worth it for the occupied.

Well, there's nothing wrong with all that knowledge. Likewise with your beautiful dreams. Everyone is entitled to have a dream to settle down and become financially independent. But that is just sepenggalan sweet things in the world of forex. An ideal final destination. And maybe if asked further whether the forex trading, maybe you'll be confused.

"What is the same with forex money changer?"
"Or a trade like stocks?"
"Where the benefits can I get?"
"Is that legal?"
"Can you lose"
"Or what?"

Wait ... I know you have many questions. All these questions will we answer in this website.

Well, then let us start our first introduction to forex trading.

To ease your introduction to forex, I will menganalogikan forex trading with the money changer or stock. This is because most of the money changer to know what it is also trading stock or (if you do not know, go to a money changer and ask officials there).

If anyone asks what I do is forex trading then the answer can be very varied. But I like this simple definition: forex trading is an investment instrument in the form of foreign exchange trading in pairs. Forex itself has several other names such as Fx, margin trading, or forex trading. It's all more or less refers to forex trading.

The advantage of investing forex (forex is an acronym for Foreign Exchange) is obtained from the difference between purchase price and sale price of our currency traded.

A simple example:
In the last month Amir buy the U.S. dollar as much as $ 1000 by buying Rp.8500, - And this month USD exchange rate strengthened to Rp 9500, - per dollar. And when Amir sell dollar this month so he obtained a profit of (9500 - 8500) x 1000 = Rp. 1.000.000, - Easy is not it?

Why, then forex exactly the same as when we change money at the money changer dong? Yes indeed similar. So the analogy I'd start with forex trading at money changer. Similarly it is not the same. So there is a difference. Among methods that do trade with the form of margin trading and there is no physical delivery of goods.

Forex trading is traded in currency pairs are usually called pairs. For example USD / JPY pair, which means the exchange rate between U.S. Dollar and Japanese Yen. Oh yes, before I forget, there will be some of the terms or abbreviations that you might find in the world of forex. we need to know, but do not worry, I have prepared a dictionary of terms on other pages.

Among the instruments of investment on the stock exchange, forex trading is the greatest instrument kapitalnya. Large volume of trade of about U.S. $ 2 trillion (remember, in U.S. Dollars) was approximately 46 times greater than the commodity futures exchange markets (such as rubber, coffee, gold, etc.) others. Or thousands of times greater than the total transactions on the Jakarta Stock! With a capitalization of that, then known as forex trading the most liquid and largest market in the world.

Only 5% of that fund which is a routine government funds. The other 95% belong to the investors free of many of the world. Actually the largest and most diverse market. Another plus is the forex trading is an investment instrument that is active 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Starting from the markets of Europe, America, Asia and Australia. So unlike the Jakarta Stock Exchange is only able to transact in the day, the forex trading (especially in online forex trading), we can trade anytime and anywhere.

Not all currencies can be traded here. Only a few developed countries currency which is used is USD (U.S. Dollar), JPY (Japanese Yen), GBP (British Pound) EUR (Euro), CHF (Swiss Franc), and AUD (Australian Dollar). So if we invest in the forex trading market, then we are not going to find pairs of IDR (Indonesian Rupiah) with CAD. That there are currency pairs that I mentioned before EUR / USD, USD / JPY, CHF / USD and so on. Remember our earlier definition, forex trading is the trading of foreign currency with other currencies.

This is one difference with the money changer in general. If you go to money changers and exchange your dollar amount, then that means you do a transaction with a pair GBP / USD alias Indonesian Rupiah to U.S. Dollar.

This never happened in forex trading. Traditionally, currency trading is the currency that is fundamentally the state had gone ahead with a large volume of exports and stable imports.

The next feature of the forex trading is never traded him physically. Yup, never. In contrast, if you have to go to money changers and exchange your dollars, then you are required to carry it in your pocket physically.

Well, in forex, trading is not done physically. Recorded only evidence of any transaction and when you do a transaction. Time immemorial (like the fairy tale it would A) all forex transactions are written in the form of a letter beharga. Then after the phone use is widespread, evidence of reduced transaction only be a short writing course which is called quotes. From this was born the term Dealing Quotes (DQ).

Now, forex trading is no longer done by telephone. It's getting out of date. Now its time online. And all manner of transactions and evidence of any transaction done online. You simply fill in your user id and password provided by the platform provider (in this case called a broker or broker) and then, click ... and emerge all the details of your transaction.

This greatly simplifies all the people in forex trading because then anyone can do transactions and more, the transaction is no longer limited by place and time. Due to be handled by the system and no longer on the phone that in fact must be held by a man (dealer) then the investor can invest forex whenever he wants for 24 hours a day with ease.

Even I know several housewives who play forex trading through his house. Internet capitalize on their home computer or laptop, then began the action they analyze the movement of nutrients. The mothers you know ... So if you and I who are already employed and became an office employee was not familiar with forex, embarrassed dong ah same modern mothers, he .. he he ..

Ok, this is the last discussion about the First Touch With our Forex Trading. One of the most prominent in the world of forex trading is done with a model system of margin trading. Margin trading is a trading system with just using the guarantee only in the trade (margin = guarantee).

This is different from the trading system with spot method we used to do every day. That spot is trading with an exchange system one.

The more confused? Ok then let's see a real picture in the world of foreign exchange daily. Back I match foreign exchange trading through a money changer with forex trading. Again, once a money changer ... unfortunately this seems to money changer. Hopefully all the readers who open a business there is no money changer in the world. If you can not complain I got. To speak ill of business people

Let's simple but I give the real picture. I take the example pair (pair) GBPUSD currency. This means that the British pound sterling currency is paired with the U.S. Dollar.

At the time this article was made, the exchange rate was at 1.9650 GBPUSD. That means that 1 British pound was equal to U.S. $ 1.9650. Usually, these currency movements more or less experiencing the movement of 100 points per day. So, let's say tomorrow GBPUSD exchange rate to 1.9750. Do you know how much profit if you trade with and without margin trading?

Now let us discuss one by one. The first without the use of margin trading system or Spot trading.

Because we know that prices will move higher, so as to benefit is to take action to buy. Buy cheap and sell expensive.

Spot Trading Examples
Say you buy a fund as much as 100 pounds for a profit. Then the amount of profit is (1.9750 - 1.9650) x 100 pounds = 0.01 x 100 = 1 pound sterling. Ehmm ... really small huh? Yes indeed small, wong currency movement is not very large per day. If ya do not want a big profit with a capital of only 100 pounds. How about 10,000 pounds. Well it means we can gain £ 100 with the same movement as the previous example.

Now this feels. Made 100 pounds, or if dirupiahkan yes about Rp 1,500,000 (1 pound = USD 15,000).

Yes indeed, fortunately was large, Rp 1.5 million. But the capital that you know, 10,000 Pound! Yes approximately USD 150 million to Rp 1.5 million profit. One day only gain 1%! Get real. I better use the money I have to buy a dream house or at least a car from the main foreign exchange like this model!

Ha .. ha .. ha ... Yes that's the model of trade with Spot. It's called trading with an exchange rate system is one. That is to obtain as much as 10,000 pounds you are obliged to pay the same amount as well. Not effective when viewed from the side of capital and profits. That's why you rarely find those who invest in foreign exchange by trading in the spot unless involving very large funds.

In addition to the calculations was not wearing perseng profits, judging from the capital side also needs funds that are not small.

Sample Calculation of Margin Trading
Well, margin trading eliminates this problem by using a model of security. The same case and is approximately the same solution. It takes 10,000 pounds if you want an advantage in sufficient quantities.

But until there alone, with a margin trading, you do not need to spend 10,000 pounds to buy 10 000

pounds. That is, you only need to issue a guarantee only. How much? In ancient times it takes a 10% guarantee to get the whole section. It means if you want to buy as much as 10,000 pounds, you can simply remove the 1000 Pound only. Well at least far less than the original.

But still great. 1000 Pound means the USD 15 Million.

Finally, this guarantee of return was reduced to 5%. And finally after a request here and there, now most companies provide assurance providers forex trading that are small enough to be able to take action to buy or sell. Only 1% or sometimes referred to 1:100 (this is called leverage ratio / leverage)!

That means if you want to buy as much as 10,000 pounds, you can simply remove as many as 100
Pounds or roughly Rp 1.5 million. Much cheaper is not it?

Gains derived by any fixed amount: 100 Pound or Rp 1.5 million. Wow, with capital of Rp 1.5 million we can benefit Rp 1.5 million in one day. That means profit reached 100% within 1 day! It's really incredible.

Now that's excess margin trading. Something that is impossible by the conventional trading. But wait ... What a broker does not deliver to our loss of 10,000 pounds while we just simply spend Rp 1.5 Million? Not at all. Recall the discussion above, forex trading is not done physically. This means that Broker does not need to hand over the money as much as 10,000 pounds to the buyer because all these transactions are not carried out physically. So, margin trading solved the unbalance profit loss percentage.

Ok. Margin trading become gods helper in our session this time. Later we will learn together that margin trading was actually a double-edged swords are as sharp. The logic is that margin trading can increase your profits, then margin trading can also increase your losses. We'll see alone. But this time the session until here.


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