Jumat, 26 November 2010

Ways of Being a Real Estate Entrepreneur

It is not easy to become entrepreneurs. The risks would be addressed. Loss of losses and capital loss is certain to be faced. However, it never hurts to try.
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZt1o4xNDv2_haoKoK6L02Fnb6VEDwsf7N4JLn-F7KUHNQQgi5ZwThere are 2 (two) are likely to be faced by people who want to do business: if ya do not lose profit. The risk of course there is, the most important is how to manage and minimize the risk of it concentrated in a promising profit. On this occasion, I will give tips on how to become property entrepreneurs.

There are several things to consider if you want to start a business property, as follows:

1. Business legality

Legality of business relating to any business carried on as to whether individuals atu a legal entity.

2. Legality Project

Legality of the project include:

- The validity of land ownership in the form of documentation in the form of SK Camat land, ownership title or lease rights. It should be noted also that the status of the land is private property or an heir. to provide the perfect confidence of the ownership of this land should consult with officials making land deed (Deed PPAT).

- IMB. Building Permit (IMB) is absolutely necessary. Without IMB housing development project will fail. Projects that do not have a building permit will be stopped by the officer and the building which had stood to torn down.

3. Teamwork

The success of a uasaha lies in a strong teamwork and solid. Leadership, marketing and project workers must support each other for the purpose of timely project completion.

4. Building Materials

Building materials should be available not less important. Postponement of building materials will lead to project delays, resulting in time schedule deviated from the specified time. For the availability of building materials can be met, try working with several suppliers of building materials. Ask for their willingness to be suppliers to the pattern of payment software. If possible, try to be pamasok so tender prices for building materials procurement more competitive and cheaper.

5. Time Schedule

Processing time is noteworthy. Timeliness can save expenses. Projects in progress beyond the appointed time will have an impact on project cost increase, which in the end if not controlled will be able to erode the benefits that have been planned.

6. Marketing

Marketing function is needed for homes to sell in full. A good marketing will give the advantage of beginning to raise a booking fee and downpayment. For home sales can be absorbed by the buyer, should be done in a competitive sales price is quite competitive and lighter. Pencicilan DP can be a good alternative.

7. Funding

Funding is the third daripihak way to raise both individual and from a financial institution. Kelengakapan document business legality, the legality of the project, good cooperation with suppliers, timelines and marketing is done will provide added value to obtain funding from third parties.


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